1、And then I dictated the lyric once.

2、The conqueror dictated terms to the surrender.

3、The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.

4、He dictated a memo to his secretary.

5、She won't allow herself to be dictated to.

6、The hard limit on processes is dictated by MaxClients.

7、He just dictated a change to the underlying implementation.

8、Message processing times are dictated by service level agreements.

9、He dictated too fast for the secretary to type.

10、Mr. Weaver, here is that memorandum you dictated to me last night.

11、Our means of livelihood are dictated, are they not, through tradition or through greed and ambition?

12、Is dictated by the ESB run time technologies used for those services.

13、The Trade Bureau dictated the import and export of major goods and raw materials.

14、However, the deployment of these components needs to be dictated by actual business requirements.

15、Rather was it a complicated structure of traditions, ritual and folkways that dictated to men their behaviors.

16、The updates should only be as "real time" as dictated by the subject-matter expert -- not necessarily when technically feasible.

17、Many of these differences arise out of traditional gender models and are dictated by social and professional structures.

18、A team is a group with a clear goal that is agreed upon by all members or dictated by management.

19、In this article, I will talk about how you can use Portfolio Manager to automate business processes dictated by COBIT.

20、By discussion of design principles of the maximum gear ratio. the minimum gear ratio and middle gear ratios. design concepts of structural parameters of driveline is dictated.

21、The concept design was initially dictated by strict local building regulations, height and footprint plot limit which partially led to the building form.

22、Founded in 1996, the laboratory does eye movement studies in Cognitive Psychology, broadly defined, and as dictated by the interests of the members of the laboratory.

23、I waited until I had dictated my handwritten text, and revised the typewritten version, and had the feeling that now it was finished.

24、There is but one moral code that the absurd man can accept, the one that is not separated from God: the one that is dictated.

25、I don't like music. It's really noisy.

26、Synchronous: In data transmission, signals co-ordinate by timing pulses. Blocks of data are transmitted at a measured rate dictated by timing devices at both ends of the interface.

27、He dictated a letter, which one of his clerks wrote out a beautiful round hand, and then the two brothers sat at the window a whole day watching for the right man to give it to.

28、During cooling most migrants would be expected to travel toward Africa, which is near the equator, since this is the direction dictated by habitat changes on a cooling Earth.

29、It should be made clear to them that the change in the use of cars and secretaries is dictated by the reduced requirements of their work, not by any lowering of status.