1、That first one was kind of happenstance.

2、You don't think it was just happenstance?

3、My project has benefited from this happenstance.

4、In part this was the result of happenstance.

5、Just by happenstance I revisited Aubergine Bistro earlier this year.

6、So it can't be about happenstance or about finance.

7、I came to live at the farm by happenstance.

8、Species have always moved around, taking advantage of happenstance or favorable circumstances.

9、Lovely happenstance will continue to surprise and thrill you through most of January.

10、Here are some techniques the authors suggest we can use to turn happenstance to our advantage.

11、Thisregrettable happenstance makes it difficult for the fossil structure tobe interpreted.

12、Once might be happenstance. But this strange extra acceleration was seen subsequently with two other craft.

13、HISTORIANS are often mocked for seeing an inevitability in events that felt like messy happenstance when they actually occurred.

14、There is more than happenstance at work, but less than the break-up of the Republican coalition.

15、By happenstance the event coincided with a royal row brewing between the French and, it seems, almost everyone else keen on liberalising rail travel through the tunnel.

16、It's an odd happenstance when chocolate cake inspires a recipe for deviled eggs, but so it went a few weeks ago.

17、Soon insights flow and they each share of their introspective moments to discover a common thread of karmic happenstance to render.

18、Chen's fateful happenstance refract puzzle of the world, and his magic dissipate of his life just the logic result of absurdity.

19、If there is a difficult union, self may choose not to be present but may accolade synergy in the work happenstance or in other encounters of a fortuitous kind.