1、“A lucky goofball!” said Tex.

2、She's just a goofball , I don't think she's ever serious.

3、I look like a 3 goofball in this thing!

4、I repeat, I look like a goofball to you?

5、Underneath his goofball braggadocio lies a kind of purity.

6、This is just another of his goofball ideas.

7、If that goofball could remember which direction he should be running in he might have scored.

8、In the intervening years he became something of a jokester and goofball.

9、Some goofball is going to shoot someone just to see the Numbers move.

10、But all I can say is that she is hilarious, a goofball , and fun to hang around with.

11、The final piece of this puzzling jigsaw is Linda's gym assistant Chad Feldheimer, played by Pitt with a blithe goofball goodness.

12、Instead of being a perfect and altruistic hero, Lang is basically a goofball, a fact that fills the movie with hilarious moments and "small" pleasures.

13、"No problem," I said, glancing in the mirror on my way out the door. "I look like a goofball in this thing!"