1、an appreciable drop in temperature

2、A drop in the ocean.

3、drop in a heap or mass.

4、a sharp drop in the stock market.

5、a precipitous drop in commodity prices.

6、There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.

7、It's improper to drop in on him so casually.

8、Misty taste of moonshine, tear-drop in my eye.

9、A 90% drop in the cost of bandwidth.

10、Retirement usually brings with it a massive drop in income.

11、Well, if you ever pass my home, do drop in.

12、I stood in the crowd, sad feeling like drowned, my tears big star big star to drop down, drop in their hand on the red carpet.

13、I stand in the crowd, sad feeling as Mieding, my tears big stars big stars to drop down, drop in their hand through the red carpet on.

14、In particular, a marked drop in hormone levels after pregnancy is believed to contribute to PPD.

15、Let's drop in on Nick when we're in Bristol, shall we?

16、There was no drop in 1986, and then came a sharp rise in the following years.

17、They discovered a drop in pressure in the fuel cells that supplied electricity.

18、The drop in oil and commodity prices in 2008 benefited oil - and food-importers.

19、We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean, but the ocean would be less without that drop.

20、We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.

21、And then let's say there's a big drop in sales. The problem with this is that you don't know what caused the drop.

22、I'm terribly sorry to drop in at this time on Friday, Paul.

23、No coffee shop to drop in for a coffee, and no good Western food.

24、Retrenchment by companies is a more likely culprit for the more recent drop in activity.

25、The coming drop in temperature of your body will naturally make you feel sleepy.

26、Pour into a glass, drop in a couple of straws and serve.

27、In this case, you want to display negative values in red to visually represent a drop in price.

28、The increase contributed to a drop in illiteracy rates from 42 percent in 1997 to 35 percent in 2002.

29、American factory purchasing managers reported a sharp jump in export orders in October and a drop in imports.

30、Prices in general began to decline, but wages held steady in 1930, then began to drop in 1931.