1、Companies are having difficulty in raising capital.

2、The other option is raising capital in the financial markets.

3、Financing activities relate to raising capital via issuance of capital stock or borrowing.

4、Crowdfunding, like all methods of raising capital, is challenging and time-consuming.

5、When Lehman looks as if it's having trouble raising capital, shares fall.

6、While I'm in the venture capital business, this rule is applicable for any presentation to reach agreement: for example, raising capital, making a sale, forming a partnership, etc.

7、In the next twelve to eighteen months, it's predicted that the first public raising capital market will be very active.

8、Critically, we need to reach agreement internationally on reducing leverage and raising capital requirements, improving both the quantity and quality of capital.

9、Remember that in 2007 firms were already raising capital, downsizing, merging, shutting down unprofitable businesses, and filing for bankruptcy.

10、Given their recent difficulties in raising capital, Banks might react to further write-offs by being even more conservative in their lending, putting greater pressure on the economy.

11、Yet as big as the ABC story is, it's obscuring an even bigger trend: Chinese Banks are raising capital en masse, and for reasons that bear careful scrutiny.

12、Bad Banks create a clean break that enables the good bank left behind to get on with the real job of raising capital and lending it out.

13、Noting significant challenges, senior-level panelists cemented the importance of building a strong team, raising capital, and formulating successful business plans.

14、Therefore, in the relatively rich area, such as Suzhou and Shanghai,the folk capital began to combine into stock company by means of raising capital by floating shares and subscribing for shares.

15、Naming a gatekeeper to the pocketbooks of investors - Business owners may soon have an easier time raising capital, but that doesn't mean they get to solicit capital from people they don't know.

16、I don't have the right answers, but I do know that entrepreneurial lying (whether we call it marketing or raising capital or negotiating or selling the vision) is more prevalent than we care to admit.

17、He and they had been among the Nevada Mountains prospecting for silver, and were returning to Salt Lake City in the hope of raising capital enough to work some lodes which they had discovered.