1、punishable offenses.

2、composition of offenses

3、to report criminal offenses;

4、Official overlooking of offenses;amnesty.

5、She pleaded guilty to five traffic offenses.

6、Coaches often had him directing offenses.

7、These offenses are punishable by law.

8、Other More Important Predictors of Dangerous offenses.

9、If we can reform our offenses, our offenses will all disappear.

10、The researchers won't say which apps committed the worst offenses.

11、On paper, the fine for most offenses is $50.

12、These are the words to describe all your offenses.

13、It is curious that our own offenses should seem so much less heinous than the offenses of others.

14、Consider increased penalties for drug offenses in school zones.

15、It applies solely to specified, mostly serious offenses, excluding white-collar offenses such as fraud and embezzlement.

16、The imaginative joinder of offenses is an important appearance of the theory of the number of offenses.

17、A dozen other journalists have also been charged with offenses relating to the new laws.

18、A general pardon granted by a government, especially for political offenses.

19、Having no male heir is the gravest of three cardinal offenses against filial piety

20、Assume that offenses do not stem from malice, but rather from ambition.

21、This section discusses the penalties for money laundering offenses and penalties applicable Settings.

22、The greatest reduction was for serious offenses-instances of fighting, assaulting guards or taking hostages dropped 37 percent.

23、But in fact, the majority of copycat crimes are non-violent offenses such as burglaries, Surette said.

24、Some offenses, however, may justify discharge, such as stealing, striking a coworker or member of management, and gross subordination.

25、The worst offenses come on mobile internet devices, which 40 percent of respondents don't even protect with a password.

26、It's not that men are always being insensitive or that women are always seeing offenses that aren't.

27、Jointer of offense is a difficult problem in theory and practice of criminology, and imaginative jointer of offenses causes more disputes for its unique structure.

28、Women rated the offenses as more severe than men did, and women were also more likely to say the friend deserved an apology。

29、The first is to be forgiven-to have all the violations and offenses and transgressions and disobedience and SINS cancelled out.

30、Besides, he shifted the trial of clergymen charged with criminal offenses from the Bishop' s court to the King' s court.