1、Number 8. Hey, look, my tibia.

2、Methods 56 cases fracture of proximal tibia were fixed with outboard proximal tibia anatomic plates.

3、Treatment of distal tibia fracture by posteromedial anatomy plate of distal tibia

4、Conclusions: ESWT is a feasible treatment modality for tibia nonunion.

5、Infected nonunion of the tibia treated by inlaid external fixator

6、Objective To confirm the Angle of tibia inner crista and design a plate fit for fixation of the inner tibia.

7、Role of fibular fixation in complicated tibia-fibula fracture

8、Objective: Provide a new operative method for non union in the middle and distal segment of tibia with unhealthy soft tissue of anterior tibia.

9、Objective: To compare the biomechanical properties of four internal fixation instruments in tibia fracture.

10、Methods 107 cases of open tibia fracture were treated with compressive external fixation.

11、Objective To study the therapy effect of improved bilateral tibia lengthening.

12、Whether in Trikonasana or any of these standing moments, move the upper tibia forward slightly.

13、Objective To investigate the effects of the treatment of open tibia fracture with compressive external fixation.

14、This study divides Xingyi bantom into three groups(A, B, C) according to tibia length of 30 days, then do square (deviation) and correlation analysis on weight and tibia length.

15、The external shape and internal density distribution simulated are close to the realistic structure of proximal tibia.

16、The ruptured interosseous ligament is obvious in this case from the diastasis of the tibia and fibula, and the small avulsion fragment from the lateral aspect of the tibia.

17、Objective: To provide anatomical basis for superior segment transfer of fibula to substitute lateral condyle of femur or tibia.

18、The application of anatomical plate in the treatment of GustiloⅢA and ⅢB open tibia and fibula fractures

19、Estimation of stature from various lengths of tibia and fibula which measured in living man by radiography;

20、The aim of this paper is to simulate the external shape and internal density distribution of proximal tibia.

21、Methods:Mammary cancer of human, liver of rabbit was irradiated and VX2 malignant neoplasm implanted in tibia of rabbits were treated with HIFU.

22、There was no statistical difference between the type of classification and the incidence of complicated fractures of proximal fibula and intercondylar eminence of the tibia(P >0.05).

23、Objective To compare advantage and disadvantage of internal fixation method for tibia intercondylar eminence fracture between absorbable screw and metallic screw.

24、The complete coossification of the proximal tarsals with the tibia, and of the distal tarsals and proximal metatarsals, present in Albinykus are previously unknown in Alvarezsauridae.

25、Objective To discuss the curative effect of application of micro-invasive steel plate technique in treatment of splintered fracture of proximal tibia.

26、The sun was shining. I took the rabbit to clean the cage. I wanted it to move its lower tibia. Once the cage door opened, I rushed to the lawn and had a delicious meal.

27、The involved bones included cranium in 5, tibia and fibula in 4 and metatarsus in 3. After thorough debridement, all patients had partial defects of bone, skin and soft tissue.

28、The order of epiphysis-diaphysis fusion of hand-wrist and and those of knee long bones in Lhasa Tibetan adolescents from early to late is femur, tibia, fibula and radius.

29、 At the end of Jingtai, the white horse entered the Western Regions. It was taller than the white horse, and its neck was similar to that of the white horse. There were two distances between the tibia and hind feet, and the scales were hidden in its hair.