1、Yields doubled and doubled again.

2、doubled up swinging booms

3、Prices have doubled.

4、He doubled his money.

5、The guitarist doubled on piano

6、The ship doubled Cape Horn.

7、Output has doubled and redoubled.

8、Having children means doubled housework.

9、Over the year profit doubled .

10、Carter was doubled up at first.

11、The price of rice quickly doubled.

12、The fox doubled (back) on its tracks.

13、America's jobless rate has more than doubled.

14、Their share of the market has doubled.

15、The announcer doubled in brass as the station's music librarian.

16、The ship doubled the Cape of Good Hope.

17、MSPs are doubled-edged swords for the average company.

18、This notice period will be doubled to 60 days.

19、Jeter singled in the first inning, doubled in the third, singled in the fourth and doubled in the sixth.

20、Expands unceasingly along with enterprise's management scale, message data sharp growth, the related auto part manages each kind of information also doubled and re-doubled grows.

21、What is the relation of the SNR of the fundamental and its frequency doubled laser and how to measure the SNR of the frequency doubled laser are discussed.

22、"The number of FTTH subscribers doubled compared to the previous year," the research firm said.

23、Of the 45,000 participants, 25 percent purchased Arrid XX during the game, and brand recognition doubled.

24、In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, Chinese Banks roughly doubled their lending activity.

25、The George Washington Bridge (1931) more than doubled that distance to 3,500 feet.

26、GDP per capita has nearly doubled in the past five years.

27、Since then, the degree to which pumping is outpacing groundwater recharge has also more than doubled, according to the findings.

28、Over the past decade GDP per person has almost doubled, to almost $12, 000 at purchasing-power parity.