1、With his baton the conductor was beating time.

2、Finally, the effects of soaking time beating time as well as cooking time and temperature on deinking result were discussed.

3、When Huizi made solemn salute to the dead, he found that Chuang Tzu himself squatting on the ground, singing and beating time on a basin.

4、When attending the performance of some modern operas, it has struck me that the conductor was only beating time because he could not beat the composer.

5、This form of dance with hands joined might have been the origin of the later dance form "Tage"(beating time to a song with the feet), which is still popular today.

6、The stream bent this way and that, and Dany followed, beating time upon her leg with the whip, trying not to think about how far she had to go, or the pounding in her head, or her empty belly.