1、Develop scale and standard butchering and refined and deep processing.

2、So you don't want to take up the butchering trade?

3、Tool-use no doubt helped early humans in butchering their dinners.

4、The typhoons and the butchering of seals on the Sophia Sutherland resembled Herman Melville's Pequod.

5、Sometime visit a shop that sells professional chef knives and butchering blades.

6、To conduct periodical butchering and yielding tests to ensure the effectiveness of the control system in Butchery.

7、This cook was incredibly resourceful; he could do just about anything from butchering a goat to fixing alarm clocks.

8、conscious pigs shackled and stabbed on the slaughter line despite rules that they be stunned and unconscious before butchering;

9、While the film had done well in the box office, critics almost universally found it distasteful and were butchering it in newspapers around the country.

10、Almost all cases have been linked to close contact to diseased household flocks, often during slaughtering, defeathering, butchering, and preparation of poultry for consumption.

11、On the other hand, if it is clear (as it surely is) that Colonel Qaddafi has given orders that have resulted in the butchering of Libyan civilians, he is indeed a legitimate target.

12、Certainly some of the seediest of journalists, whether we're talking about the Middle Easy or Northern Ireland, pile on one set of adjectives-squalid, butchering, oppressive-for terrorism of whose aims they disapprove.

13、The RSPCA fined the store on February 12, 2016 after a witness videoed a worker on January 25 the same year butchering a lobster without any attempt to stun it to mitigate suffering.

14、To further 20 muddy things up, internationally speaking, I sang Stand by Me to my new bride at the reception, and followed it by butchering the 21 venerable tradition of the Austrian waltz.