1、Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

2、Brahma granted him the boon.

3、The voice of Brahma still echoes around.

4、That Brahma is bereft of sense.

5、The Great Brahma Lord has the multitudes of Brahmans and Brahma Ministers supporting him.

6、The Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord is where the Great Brahma Lord lives.

7、Prajapati was later identified with the puranic Brahma.

8、Worried, the Gods ran to Brahma for help.

9、The Heart is the source of Light, it is the source of Brahma Shakti.

10、Brahma is the chief god, the omnipresent one who is father of the Brahman Trinity.

11、So in that moment, that instant, the cry shot right up to the Brahma world.

12、Primodial, life-giving consciousness, heaven of peace, salutations, O Brahma, come.

13、According to this, when the Gods created the world order, they sacrificed a primeval being to Brahma (Lord of Creatures) .

14、The power of Brahma is the power that creates, that desires, that evolves and it gives the living force also.

15、If you're looking for something lighter, fresh grilled fish with tomato-and-onion salad coupled with a couple of Brahma beers is a perfect beach meal.

16、The so-called Chaoyin Temple means, under the protection of Kwan Yin, the incoming tidewater can only be transformed into the Brahma voice, and disappears invisibly.

17、Let your creative side loose in this 3 dimensional experience in street-art on the Brahma Bus. You can choose a ready made stencil or improvise yourself.

18、Narada, an ancient sage (probably a personification of the cloud, the water-giver), is considered as the messenger between the gods and men, and as having sprung from the forehead of Brahma.

19、One of this realm's most famous inhabitants is the Great Brahma, a deity whose delusion leads him to regard himself as the all-powerful, all-seeing creator of the universe ( DN 11).

20、These were fervent Brahmins, the bitterest foes of Buddhism, their deities being Vishnu, the solar god, Shiva, the divine impersonation of natural forces, and Brahma, the supreme ruler of priests and legislators.

21、Buddha ferry, sitting on the stone stone, watching Bodhi blossom and falling, a meter of sunshine in the leaves of the leaves, morning and evening drums, reading a few books, listening to a piece of Brahma, Jing Yi, a white pear flowers, plain Jane, wind drift.

22、新德里政策研究中心教授Brahma Chellaney称,*“越境”次数几乎翻倍,从2006年的140次,到2008年的270次,而2009年维持这个水平。 “现在中印局势比印巴关系还紧张。”

23、With a song of Brahma, the heart exiles, the mountain is far away, the time is quiet, and the dispute of the world is like a cloud of smoke and an ancient organ. Before the case, there are flowers and branches through the small window, the breeze is quiet, the song is silent, the word is no mark, and the dust falls to the ground