1、This is the way the Creator planned life.

2、Human beings with the shape and character of the Creator, like the Creator, are born with positive thoughts.

3、As creatures, we will never be the Creator.

4、But as creatures, we will never be the Creator.

5、Guo Moruo, the Creator of Modern Chinese Calligraphical Civilization;

6、Surrounded by mountains, the Lugu Lake showed us the magic and the gift of the Creator.

7、Beyond that, we come to the Christ Consciousness, and the totality of the Creator Energy.

8、Above that is the "Upper Light Band," and then the Creator Energy Itself.

9、You must be aware that man is the supreme work of the Creator.

10、Love of the creature toward the Creator must include obedience or it is meaningless.

11、Then you will understand and enjoy the perfection that exists that is the Creator handiwork.

12、Let us propose here that God is the Creator. Very few.

13、He motivates us to trust by His power of being the Creator.

14、The nuclear winter much like the electrical storms was perceived by Red Nations' peoples as the anger of the Creator.

15、As has often been stated, Love is the glue of the Universe, Love is God, Love is the Creator.

16、It formulates its judgments according to reason, in conformity with the true good willed by the wisdom of the Creator.

17、The spirits deny the deity of Christ and place even the Creator on a level with themselves.

18、The International Olympic Committee is an international non-governmental non Profit oganizatlon and the Creator of the Olympic Movement.

19、Rollman, apparently, is working on a record for the most new ways to piss off6 the Creator.

20、No; the great magician who majestically works out theappointed order of the Creator, never reverses his transformations.

21、I did not want the feelings, and sometimes only the Creator Lane, a self-fuzzy one time.

22、Publisher Bluewater Productions on Monday said it will issue the biographical comic "Mark Zuckerberg; the Creator of Facebook" in December.

23、I am thinking that this famous mountain and river is really a miracle carved out by the Creator.

24、Terrorist violence is a contradiction of faith in God, the Creator of man, who cares for man and loves him".

25、It is our enduring link with the Godhead, the 'still small voice' that links us to the essence of the Creator, the divine part of our being.

26、Women are the masterpieces left by the Creator to the world, the embodiment of beauty and the spirit of the world.

27、God is the Almighty, the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him.

28、She told me that it's mind-boggling that she can have an on-going, personal relationship with the Creator of the universe and the Ruler of the world.

29、The hikers who come to this island will marvel at the ingenious workmanship of nature and appreciate the unique charm that the Creator has bestowed on us.

30、 Whoever sees her will marvel at the unfairness of the Creator. How could there be such a perfect person in the world?