1、When a man tells a story and you agree with him, lightly touch him on the arm as you share that you understand.

2、Instruct the diver to close the eyes while you lightly touch your fingertips across the forehead and face to be sure sensation is present and the same everywhere.

3、If you express interest in what others say, or smile and lightly touch their arm, they will likely feel flattered, comfortable around you and even more attracted to you.

4、Looking back on the footprints, twists and turns, repeated, but, along the way there is always a strong fragrance of earth diffuse in the heart, lightly touch the heart, do not forget the root.

5、She lightly touched my forehead.

6、She lightly touched his forehead.

7、When with my sleeves Im lightly touching yours.

8、If a vibrating string is lightly touched at its midpoint, its pitch goes up an octave.