1、He drive a1985model ford.

2、Carnegie, Rockefeller, Stanford, Ford etc.

3、He have the sole agency for ford car.

4、Think of poor Otter, waiting up there by the ford!

5、I will go with you as far as the ford.

6、Although skakespeare drew from seneca, and brecht from shakespeare, even more immediate was the influence of griffith on ford or ford on bergman or bergman on allen.

7、Two monks on a pilgrimage came to the ford of a river.

8、The streams rose so rapidly that we could hardly ford them.

9、The ford mustang is a smash hit in the american car market

10、Besides bubble hot spring, this time can also visit Tamil ford fjords.


12、To reach Chardarah they had to ford a shallow river to avoid a bridge garrisoned by the Afghan army.

13、As I arrived at the ford in the river, I pulled up my pant legs and prepared to cross.

14、You know the place where the old ford used to be, in by-gone days before they built the bridge?

15、When Henry's father died, Eleanor clay ford had taken over the family and put her son Henry in charge.

16、But reaching a sensible valuation of the two marques which ford says must be sold together because their operations have become so tightly integrated is not proving easy.

17、Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese in Lang Son province ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed.

18、Kromeriz stands on the site of an earlier ford across the River Morava, at the foot of the Chriby mountain range which dominates the central part of Moravia.

19、As they tried to ford a river at their usual crossing point, dangerous currents swept them over a 250-foot waterfall.

