1、spring housecleaning

2、a thorough housecleaning

3、They're using us to do internal housecleaning.

4、Could housecleaning come by and tidy up?

5、She helps him with the housecleaning and bill paying.

6、Perhaps this time the housecleaning can be thorough.

7、Don't worry. My friends will come help with the housecleaning.

8、That included things like brisk walking, housecleaning and gardening.

9、It's dusty everywhere in the house. Can you help me do the housecleaning?

10、Not long ago Charles Erickson and his family decided to do some spring housecleaning.

11、The 24th of the twelfth month is set aside for the annual housecleaning.

12、Then list all of your liabilities, and begin eliminating expenses you can temporarily live without, such as vacations, entertainment and possibly services like gardening and housecleaning.

13、Similarly, the talks going on now between the U. S. and Russia are a kind of mutual housecleaning in which each side brings its boys (and girls) home.

14、In fact, I would like to have a maid to do the housecleaning so I could give more time to cooking.

15、Smith goes to see his boss. "Boss, " he says, "we're doing some heavy housecleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff.

16、She put it under the base of our living-room lamp, knowing that as a mother of three little ones, housecleaning and moving lamps would not be everyday events. . .