1、I'm a poor gravedigger.

2、I'm the only gravedigger in town.

3、Richard Rorty is a gravedigger of the objectivism tradition of the western philosophy.

4、A former gravedigger has built a 100mph single-seater car using a 7ft-long steel coffin for the body.

5、In the play "Hamlet", it is usual for an actor to double the first gravedigger with the spirit of Hamlet's father.

6、The gravedigger was happy too. In a short period, he had dug two graves, so his business was finally back on track and his bad luck over.

7、历史5:愚民是暴民后备*,既是*帮凶,野史掘墓人。Reserve army mob fools is both tyranny accomplice, unofficial gravedigger./Brainwashing is mob reserve, is both a tyranny, unofficial history gravedigger.