1、The dog was humanely destroyed.

2、Eg: Captives should be treated humanely.

3、Suffering animals should be humanely euthanized on the farm.

4、They also promise to treat the tigers humanely.

5、Is the primary persona being treated humanely by the product?

6、The hardware store humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free outside town.

7、Officials also say the animals are being killed humanely by professional marksmen.

8、Our horse had to be humanely destroyed after breaking his right foreleg.

9、It often happens that a man is more humanely related to a cat or dog than to any human being.

10、Researchers can now humanely peer into the electrical and chemical activities of brain cells in animals while they sleep.

11、After the reform, he tremblingly asked to perform in the Princess Mansion, which had been preached humanely.

12、When humans are exposed to suspect animals, attempts to identify, capture or humanely sacrifice the animal involved should be undertaken immediately.

13、Some shoppers want food that was grown locally, harvested from animals that were treated humanely or produced by workers who were paid a fair wage.

14、Instead of humanely euthanizing the suffering animal, the rodeo people chose to ship her, leg dangling, across two states in a transport truck with other horses.

15、On the other aspect, this kind of interference has impact on different sides of city public space, and this impact should be treated more humanely and thoroughly.

16、But she's more focused on making sure future students know what the class project is and have an option to get out of it — and that the animals are treated more humanely.