1、A bird perched on three.

2、He perched upon the table.

3、He perched himself [was perched] on a high stool.

4、The small village perched on a hill.

5、The birds perched upon the television aerial.

6、Some birds perched on some twigs.

7、A temple perched on a cliff.

8、A raven perched high in the pine.

9、She perched uncomfortably on the edge of the table.

10、Granny Liu perched gingerly on the edge of the kang.

11、A house or stronghold perched on a height.

12、He perched on a stool at the bar.

13、The town is perched on a hill (above a lake).

14、The rooster is perched on a tree, dozing, maybe just finished making love, a little tired.

15、He is perched on a large rawboned hunter, half covered by a capacious saddle.

16、Societies have always had their hierarchies, with some group perched at the top.

17、At last, the bird perched on a branch of a chestnut tree.

18、The cuckoo flew in, threw down a happy chirp, and perched smoothly on the poplar trees in the fields.

19、The larger one, the one doing all the talking, had turned his chair sideways and perched himself on its arm.

20、So off through the small, narrow cobblestone streets of Macau he walked, carrying an owl perched on his wrist.

21、Changyucheng, perched in the mountains of Changping district, Beijing, has a 600-year-old tradition of mountain folk operas.

22、Redwinged blackbirds were perched on fence posts. Farmers were out in their fields, preparing for another season. This was life.

23、Subtropical Okinawa, perched out at sea at Japan's southernmost end, boasts fewer than half as many jobs as applicants, for all its beachside attractions.

24、Obama waited patiently during McCain's attacks, comfortably perched on the chair, often smiling in seeming wonderment about what he was hearing from his opponent.

25、So perched in the buggy beside her mother, on her best behavior, she had been too excited to see or remember much.

26、This means that the SETI receiver was perched permanently above the Arecibo dish at the base of the aging line feed antenna.

27、Before long, the picture of the cougar perched on top of the sign became almost as widely known as Ford's oval and Chrysler's pentastar.

28、It shall reckon in tilting movement resulting from perched water in the stability analysis of tilting failure of bedded rock slope, thus it can only explain many irregular phenomena of topping mass.
