1、Who directed at yesterday's concert?

2、Was that remark directed at me?

3、That remark wasn't directed at you.

4、The abuse was directed at the TV crews.

5、What she said was not directed at you.

6、RUP's Construction phase is directed at managing schedule risk.

7、But the ads, directed at the remaining regulars.

8、The message is directed at the local labor security authority.

9、Marketing products should be aimed at customers' minds and not directed at customers' heads.

10、But much of the venom in the press, at any rate, is directed at big multinationals.

11、The comment was directed at Detroit, but the latest obituary comes from Toyota.

12、In recent years, most of the interest has been directed at the interpretation of verbal irony.

13、It has been directed at Wall Street and corporate excess instead.

14、You need to know how many searches are being directed at the indexes.

15、Rules that mine packets based on the port they're directed at.

16、At this time, if I put in to speak, then the spearhead must be directed at me.

17、Some women are often short-tempered at work and always feel that others are directed at themselves.

18、That which was directed at jean Valjean at that moment, was the lantern of the patrol of the right bank.

19、Of course, his resentment was not directed at Laurence, but at the Nantes who stubbornly did not take him seriously.

20、According to Kotler (2002) Marketing is the set of human activities directed at facilitating and consummating exchanges.

21、As the Western parents often say: The indulgent attention directed at children will be something that spoils them.

22、Loud cheers were directed at an elderly gay couple, sitting in a rickshaw, celebrating 54 years together.

23、Suddenly, the kitten's ears shook and its shining eyes were directed at the mouse in the corner.

24、However, a different explanation is necessary in cases where the vigilant behavior is not directed at predators.

25、Such a criticism cannot be directed at Gerald Ronson's highly readable account of his half-century at the top of Britain's property business.

26、I also remember that the smallest gesture of affection would bring a lump to my throat, whether it was directed at me or at someone else.

27、Due to the existing penal provisions of several of the crimes of corruption, therefore, "corruption is directed at public property," the traditional view of the question.

28、This divide is well illustrated by the force of the satire directed at him and the fervour with which he is trusted.

29、Saturday morning in Gaza. We were crouched down in the middle of Israel’s so-called buffer zone, listening to Israeli gunfire - directed at us.

30、Over recent years research effort has been directed at the regulation of telomere because it is involved in ageing and tumorigenesis.