1、the date of pack which may be shown as a lot number or production code number;

2、A unique lot number should be assigned to this quantity of material.

3、Exact Location [Please provide the street number(s) or lot number(s). If possible, please also provide a sketch of the location.

4、Available parking (in lot number 5) has not kept up with the demand, so plan to arrive early.

5、The machine is applied to print discharge date,shelf life,lot number with fast and beautiful printing.

6、The hygiene situation of health food in zhuhai was investigated. the result showed that the imported health food had higher hold rate of lot number than domestic products.

7、Labels containing specification, item name and lot number are used to identify the products in production, inspection, assembly, accepting, delivery and service stages.

8、Each product undergoes another set of individual tests, including a seal check, count check, expiration date check, carton check, label and bottle check, neckband check and lot number check.

9、This series of printer is suited to print notes and signs like manufacture date, lot number and single designs on various kinds of bottle, jug, cup or box based on every types of materials, with fast printing speed, cute and clear letterform.