1、Leave the world and enter the limbic system.

2、The changes of limbic system including hippocampus are more complex.

3、Hippocampus is one of the important organs of the limbic system.

4、Olfaction is registered in the original brain, the limbic system, as it is commonly called.

5、The signals from these nerves travel directly to the limbic system in the brain.

6、These emotions—along with the limbic system—are shared by all mammals.

7、Their cerebellum seems to be smaller than normal, and their limbic system is impaired.

8、Something happens in the limbic system that lets us know we are in the presence of a potential love.

9、D — When a participant chose the earlier reward, there was an increase in the activity of his limbic system.

10、Amnesia can result from damage to brain structures that form the limbic system, which controls your emotions and memories.

11、But what you may not know is your limbic system may be trying to detect whom you will love, and who will love you back.

12、And of course the limbic system is very active with emotion changes and associations that are deeply embedded in who we are.

13、You most likely know that the limbic system is the seat of emotions and it regulates the type, degree and intensity of our feelings.

14、The Swiss shower activates blood circulation and limbic system. Finally body massage, facial massage and reflexology help rid your muscle tension. You will feel totally relaxed.

15、Initially, genital touching fires up a region of the sensory cortex but signals quickly spread to the limbic system, an area linked to emotion, behaviour and long-term memory.

16、The film shows how activity sparks off in the sensory cortex - in the specific area related to the genitals. But it spreads quickly through the limbic system, involved in emotions and memory.