1、A display of the tokenized messages are identified.

2、Some fields you may not want to be tokenized, for example a serial number field.

3、These considerations relate to how your text is tokenized and then indexed by Full-Text Engine.

4、Erlang also gives us programmatic access to the tokenized, parsed and abstract forms of an expression.

5、A method for firming the BASIC user program with the tokenized source program is proposed in this paper.

6、Should be specified as the string of hexadecimal digits representing the tokenized form of the public key.

7、The SyncML encoding doesn't use them at all, but WML uses them for including tokenized body-text strings from a string table sent in the preamble.

8、The map workers (in the canonical example) split the work into individual vectors that contain the tokenized word and an initial value (1, in this case).

9、"The multiracial kids are able to" place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized.

10、The multiracial kids are able to "place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized."

11、For c:forTokens>, the string to be tokenized is specified through the items attribute, while the set of delimiters used to generate the tokens is provided through the delims attribute.