1、A medical report is appended.

2、notes appended to a chapter

3、Footnotes have been appended to the document.

4、So I've appended this whole object.

5、He appended a clause to the treaty

6、The first appended column, PREDICTED_CLASS, contains the prediction.

7、A new clause was appended to the treaty.

8、I request your attention to his signature, appended below .

9、She appended a note at the end of the letter.

10、The complete query term is appended to the SQL buffer.

11、Our WHERE clauses will be appended to this string to create the complete SQL query.

12、Basically, as items are added to the list, they are appended to a doubly linked list.

13、One other quick note is that the URL has the current time appended to it.

14、The search will run as if a wild card is appended to the search term.

15、A new request is created and the updated DOM is serialized and appended to it.

16、As previously described, generated content either can be appended to a screen area or can replace existing content.

17、For every data set in the result, an HTML list element is created and appended to the list.

18、A binary digit appended to a group of binary digits to make the sum of all the digits, including the appended binary digit, either odd or even as predetermined.

19、Because the command created more than one PNG file, a unique number has been appended to the filename.

20、Conjugation of SoaML Requests is indicated in Figure 4 by applying a tilde (~) appended to the name of a Request.

21、He appended the hashtag "DTS," an apparent allusion to his promise to "drain the swamp" in Washington.

22、In the previous figure I appended a general rule of thumb below each category, but after reading this article, it will hopefully by clear.

23、The flight plan for this lunar landing program derived from the speeded up circumlunar proposal appended to the Mark II plan of I4 August.

24、Compare with former method it "s merits are simple, pellucid and this method can be appended new classifiers without affecting former training data."

25、This media has a corrupt format. There may be recoverable data on this media, but it cannot be appended to. Do you want to overwrite this media?

26、The phrase Requiring the Search-Order word set shall be appended to the label of Standard Programs that require the system to provide the Search-Order word set.

27、雅卡尔,约瑟夫 玛丽1752-1834法国提花机的发明者(1801年),第一台能织出复杂图案的自动织布机

28、The phrase Providing name( s) from the Facility Extensions word set shall be appended to the label of any Standard System that provides portions of the Facility Extensions word set.

29、The session ID can be passed in one of three ways: as a parameter in an HTML form (typically a hidden field); as a parameter appended to the query string; or as an attribute of a cookie.