1、refresher course on modern teaching methods

2、Hold a refresher course in spoken English

3、This is for all AIDS researchers refresher.

4、Let's review some ESB 101 definitions, just as a refresher.

5、I am taking a refresher course to improve my driving.

6、I have taken a refresher course to improve my driving.

7、taking a refresher course to improve my driving

8、If you need a refresher on these topics, please see Resources for more information.

9、As a refresher, let's review what has been established in this example so far.

10、Counsel 's brief fee be $1 , 000 with refresher of $250 .

11、See Part 1 if you need a refresher in the rules.

12、If you need a refresher for these topics, please check out the Resources for more information.

13、In addition, picking up some excellent people to take a refresher course is also a good measure.

14、Now for a quick refresher on traditional transport layer protocols before we dive into the workings of SCTP.

15、Months later, when my second child was due, did I go back to the books for a refresher?

16、If you need a refresher on these three topics, check out Parts 3 and 4 of this series.

17、As a refresher, here's a diagram of a typical J2EE application designed with a desktop client in mind.

18、"It's time for motorists to take a refresher in map-reading skills," said Scott Sinclair of national mapping agency Ordnance Survey.

19、It is the first one I recommend to new photographers and it is one that I refer to when I need a bit of a refresher.

20、You may have all the skills you need to do the job you have now (then again, you still might need refresher courses).

21、Indeed, these trainings are more like a kind of in-depth refresher course, as you are in fact regaining former talents.

22、This is a great place to start in the podcast pool, whether you are a newb or in need of a little refresher course.

23、For anyone that needs a little refresher course, the sine function gives the ratio of the opposite side of a given Angle in a right triangle to the hypotenuse.

24、Manager Chen offers Zhao Shan a solution: whilst they both know her English is remarkable, she needs to acknowledge the mistake and show action, and should therefore be seen to take a refresher course in English.

25、Before my first child was born, I read all the How to books, and still felt like a clueless novice. 30 Months later, when my second child was due, did I go back to the books for a refresher?

26、After the opening of the business, if Party A has training instructions, Party B must also send personnel to participate in the refresher education stipulated in the preceding paragraph again in accordance with the instructions to acquire the necessary knowledge and technology.