1、These exposures included pregnant women.

2、Rubella is most harmful to pregnant women.

3、Can pregnant women take potassium iodide pills?

4、Analysis on nursing requirement of diabetic pregnant women and normal pregnant women

5、Comparison of levels of TORCH antibodies in serum between normal pregnant and non-pregnant women

6、For treatment of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection in pregnant women.

7、Loose comfortable shirt-like garment worn esp by pregnant women

8、The castor bean can also induce labor in pregnant women.

9、One hundred pregnant women were recruited into the study.

10、Semi-immune pregnant women in areas of high transmission.

11、Compare the pregnancy sequel of the pregnant women who schlep hepatitis B virus with the natural pregnant women;

12、Investigation about the immune level of rubella and infection of rubella in before-pregnant women and pregnant women

13、Radiological health protection standards for X-ray examinations of child-bearing age women and pregnant women.

14、Children, pregnant women, women in lactation shall take medicine under guidance of physician.

15、Analysis of the Status of building cards of pregnant women of floating population in town and pregnant care

16、The incidence of uterine fibroids and uterine cancer was also lower in pregnant and non-pregnant women.

17、Contrast that to 15 days after ovulation, when about 2.5% of non-pregnant women felt fatigued, while 9.5% of pregnant women felt that way.

18、The reiewers found no new eidence on screening in pregnant women, nonpregnant women not at increased risk, or men.

19、They compared gene activity in the placentas of healthy pregnant women to those of women with preeclampsia.

20、Anxiety will enable pregnant women increased secretion of adrenaline, causing metabolic acidosis caused by fetal hypoxia.

21、Perspective study on the levels of maternal D-dimer in women with hypertensive disorder complicating pregnancy and healthy pregnant women

22、B. P. A. has trifling impact on children and pregnant women.

23、Only pregnant women, and other vulnerable groups, should bother their doctors.

24、Choosing organic animal products is unyieldingly important, especially for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.

25、METHODS: Peripheral blood was collected from 30 pregnant women at the first, second, third trimester.

26、For pregnant women were most impressed by, is to visit the delivery room, this arrangement is really great to meet a pregnant woman who's curiosity.

27、These aren't just diet foods. There are energy bars for women — even one just for pregnant women. There's bread for women, and a tortilla.

28、The results also suggest that single mother and artificial insemination pregnant female pregnancy early abortion rate is much higher than ordinary pregnant women.

29、Local police say that pregnant women account for a large proportion of those arrested for stealing e-bikes. Last year, one police station alone caught about 20 pregnant women stealing e-bikes.

30、One hundred and fifty pregnant women have been saved since Stretcher Action began in the year 2000, bringing glad tidings to pregnant women in the mountainous area, and creating a new method to reduce the maternal mortality rate.