1、Save this as IPSec.msc for future use.

2、This logger is reserved for future use.

3、Save the conversion request for future use.

4、The company set this sum by for future use.

5、Mother has stashed some money for future use.

6、Context is an opaque object reserved for future use.

7、The reserved argument is reserved for future use.

8、The purified water will be tanked for future use.

9、It's one use of money to store up the buying power for the future use.

10、She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use.

11、Two ways to keep fish for future use are canning and freezing.

12、Any changes made to the queries can be saved for future use.

13、At the same time, they concealed many weapons for future use.

14、It also performs some additional tasks, such as logging and storing the details for future use.

15、Some families also save the money for future use or use it to help cultivate in their children the habit of saving.

16、Project Archive provides a baseline of all the project artifacts both for audit purposes and for future use.

17、Type a template name and the GC and Memory Visualizer saves the template in the Templates view for future use.

18、Yet another way to leverage runtime analysis is by documenting the application's runtime behavior for future use.

19、This way the original HATS style sheets and templates will still be available for future use or reference.

20、Or if supply is expected to exceed demand, should it halt production or build inventory for future use?

21、Additionally, General Dynamics is developing the MUOS User Entry Terminal Waveform software library for future use by radios being developed under the Joint Tactical radio System (JTRS) program.

22、If you are planning to get the password once and store it for future use, Sametime tokens provide a more secure alternative.

23、Any part that is repairable shall be repaired to meet the normal conditions as much as possible and shall be kept as spares for future use.

24、Following the withdrawal, any future use of Mylotarg in the United States will require submission of an investigational new drug application to FDA.

25、One or more fertilized eggs (embryos) may be transferred to the woman's uterus, where they may implant in the uterine lining and develop. Excess embryos may be cryopreserved(frozen) for future use.

26、This means that under ideal situations, you might only need to run the selection once, with the ability to daisy-chain your functions together, or cache the results for future use.

27、If you need more control over the query results, or if you want to save a query for future use, you can create a query in the query Editor.

28、from the various generations of future users.