1、When was your wife's last menstrual period?

2、Women in the menstrual period is no problem taking does not affect the menstrual cycles!

3、 The first menstrual period, usually occurring during puberty.

4、The puerperal period, the menstrual period, around the stream of people surgery cleanly nurses.

5、This could also be true in the case of women during their menstrual period.

6、This is the theory of safety period contraception according to, because in menstrual cycle in addition to the menstrual period, the rest of the time oviposit period and are safety period.

7、I have never in my life had a "normal" menstrual period.

8、This feature can help you to facilitate the calculation of your menstrual period!

9、Months after little is menstruation, average performance is menstruation intervals longer, menstrual period the number of days shorter continued and menstrual quantity decreases etc.

10、Monthly menstrual cycles a woman, we call the menstrual period, this time women may be irritable and physiology of the heart various causes epileptic seizures more frequent.

11、B. menstrual history. The date of last menstrual period, age of menarche, age of menopause or surgical removal of the ovaries, previous pregnancies should be determined.

12、According to the first day of last menstrual period of the calculation pre-production, was not sufficiently precise.

13、Most healthcare providers calculate your due date beginning with the first day of your last menstrual period or LMP.

14、Women have long been manipulating hormonal contraceptives to skip or block menstrual periods.For young women with a world of choices, even that monthly curse, the menstrual period, is optional.

15、It was worse with exercise, prolonged standing, lifting, bending, coughing, laughing, going up and down stairs, straining at stool, and during her menstrual period.

16、Some similar menstrual period in case such as acknowledged, abortion and delivery operation, etc, in the near future also should be banned bath.

17、Those who have good competitive conditions or feel little effect of training on their health during the menstrual period have a lower MBL.

18、A survey showed that Japanese women in menstrual period on an average day replace 6 times, and Chinese women for three times, sanitary napkin every 2 ~ 4 hours best replacement of a.

19、She acknowledges that for women whose last menstrual period was Feb. 4, tomorrow is most likely an ovulation day, making it the perfect time to conceive for a baby due in mid-November.

20、Women's work is under special protection: women enjoy special care during the menstrual period, pregnancy, maternity leave and breast-feeding, and women workers who give birth can take a three-month leave of absence with pay.

21、Many women experience menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods.

22、Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal or healthy frequency.

23、Some athletes see amenorrhea (the absence of menstrual periods) as a sign of successful training.

24、How far apart are your menstrual periods, and how long do they typically last?

25、During menstrual periods, your uterus contracts to help expel its lining.

26、Blood is lost in a number of ways, for example in women, iron and red blood cells are lost when bleeding occurs from very long or heavy menstrual periods as well as from childbirth.

27、Article60 Female workers during their menstrual periods shall not be arranged to engaged in work high above the ground, under low temperature, or in cold water or work with Grade III physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State.