1、maritime declaration of health

2、implicit declaration of function

3、declaration of investments

4、declaration of name of child

5、Implicit declaration of function increment.

6、a strong declaration of protest.

7、A formal declaration of condolence.

8、What has followed is declaration after declaration of "unprecedented" milestones.

9、declaration of inability to pay debts

10、Listing 3 is the declaration of Filename.

11、declaration of writing on one's behalf

12、What does a declaration of trust or a beneficial owner declaration say?

13、the certificate or declaration of marking of the ship;

14、Aesthetic declaration of the modern theory of human nature;

15、These events led to the declaration of war.

16、Well, my long hair is indeed a declaration of independence.

17、So beautiful declaration of true love in just 16 words!

18、The implementation may support the declaration of intent through descriptors.

19、In 1776 the colonies signed a declaration of independence.

20、Declaration Customs refund after the write-off single, declaration of foreign exchange in conjunction with the write-off together.

21、One that makes a declaration, especially a person who has signed a declaration of intent to become a U.S. citizen.

22、Declaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport

23、the certificate of survey; and the certificate of declaration of marking of the ship;

24、Article 10 the customs shall issue a notice on the payment of surcharges for delayed declaration when it collects the surcharges for delayed declaration of import goods.

25、After completion of the commissioning, this page will be exchanged for a 's declaration or for a manufacturer manufacturer' declaration of conformity.

26、The declaration of a 2am curfew eventually brought a jittery calm to the city of 15m.

27、the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment

28、Such a declaration of compulsory jurisdiction excludes certain types of cases.

29、Russian workers have staged a number of strikes in protest at the republic's declaration of independence.

30、Immediately upon the Italian declaration of war, he put to sea in search of the enemy.