1、Children delight in surprises.

2、Children delight in fables

3、Children delight in fables.

4、---if e'er took delight in thy praises,

5、She took great delight in tormenting Harry.

6、He takes great delight in eating lobster.

7、He takes great delight in painting.

8、He takes much delight in his studies.

9、I fully agree to the arrangement and take delight in it [take it with delight].

10、We delight in going for long walks in the country.

11、Celebrate being alone, delight in yourself, dance in your aloneness.

12、He was clearly taking delight in her discomfiture.

13、Haig took obvious delight in proving his critics wrong.

14、They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer.

15、I always delight in overthrowing those kinds of schemes.

16、I really delight in all mediums, "she said."

17、In the past she had a great delight in good-humoured argument in intellectual play.

18、Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and th delight in the recognition.

19、In 1955 Potter was approaching retirement, but he took great delight in showing me around.

20、Loken's boisterous delight in literature was as the wind in the sails of my literary adventure.

21、Thus God flows back and forth and we delight in His exoticism.

22、Some people delight in helping others, which contributes to social harmony.

23、But a loss for all who, like Darwin, delight in the sheer inventiveness of evolution.

24、Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in your law.

25、This endearment indicated the highest degree of delight in the old cooper.

26、You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

27、Then the campaign moved on to New Hampshire, where voters in both parties' primaries delight in upsetting expectations.

28、He has no delight in the strength of a horse; he takes no pleasure in the legs of a man.

29、Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. Alexander Smith.