1、My mother asked fretfully.

2、"I'm hungry," said Freddie, fretfully.

3、fretfully, the baby tossed in his crib.

4、He tossed fretfully and could not get to sleep.

5、He rubbed his forehead fretfully as he looked her over.

6、To find fault in a disagreeable way; complain fretfully.

7、I want to drink, 'he exclaimed fretfully, turning away.

8、"Because of the dreams that are so real," he answered rather fretfully.

9、She had already turned to go, but she did rather fretfully come back for a moment.

10、A few days ago, chengdu citizens from ms shao hotline, fretfully told reporters.

11、Jeanne is fretfully waiting at home for him, not knowing his whereabouts.

12、"But I want a drink," insisted Flossie, a bit fretfully, for she was tired from the long journey.

13、We can control our boredom for a while, but is spills out fretfully soon or later – it's part of our "modern" culture.

14、 Even the sea was stunned by the noise, and some fretfully raised the waves, slapping the snow-white hull of the cruise ship.

15、"I am not going to run away, Papa, " said Kitty, fretfully; "if I should ever go to Brighton, I would behave better than Lydia. "