1、He manages people by humiliation and disciplinary action.

2、tried to dissuade the general from taking disciplinary action;

3、The disciplinary action, including dismissal, which the Company will invoke.

4、Support and uphold hotel philosophy concerning hiring, associate relations, supervision and disciplinary action.

5、The student handbook says that students will face disciplinary action if caught.

6、Failure to clock in and out as required will result in disciplinary action.

7、Reasons for leave must be true, if not, it will result in different consequences, from criticism to disciplinary action.

8、However, only warnings received in the most recent twelve (12) month period will be considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action.

9、If ineffective performance persists, it's necessary to take disciplinary action or to discharge the person from the company.

10、The assistant must be a company employee who has no active disciplinary action on file and has completed training provided by Human Resources.

11、The college player, who studying Occupational Therapy, has since apologised for her actions but she could still face further disciplinary action.

12、In an interview last month, Mr Prince called the trade“ completely knuckle-headed” and promised disciplinary action would be“ felt stingingly” by those responsible.

13、Have you ever been charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type of misconduct at any educational institution?

14、Secondary and above is a breach of the regulations, or in serious cases, a very bad effect, given the appropriate disciplinary action up to dismissal, dismissed.

15、The Notice should include the nature of the offense and the reason for disciplinary action. The consequences of repeated offenses and the type of corrective action required should be stated clearly on the Notice.

16、We must take disciplinary action against those Party members who refuse to correct their errors, but in doing so we must not repeat the "Left" mistakes of resorting to summary measures and subjecting too many people to criticism.

17、"It is intended that disciplinary action be corrective and progressive in nature rather than punitive. Written warnings followed by training, re-training or counseling sessions will be given to employees who make minor and undesirable offenses."

18、Please describe and attach documentation regarding all disciplinary actions taken by any regulatory agency.