1、digital subtraction angiography

2、addition by subtraction

3、intravenous digital subtraction angiography

4、elimination by addition or subtraction

5、Object tracking with a background subtraction and inter-frame subtraction

6、auto adapted subtraction of multiples

7、We can use the magic of subtraction.

8、a sign indicating the operation of subtraction.

9、Analysis of clinical application of digital subtraction angiography

10、Evaluation of bone-subtraction in cerebral CT angiography

11、The left lingual gyrus was activated in subtraction and multiplication.

12、She's ready to learn simple addition and subtraction.

13、Nursing of 100 cases with cerebral digital subtraction angiography

14、An improved non-linear spectral subtraction algorithm is also put forward. The application range of the spectral subtraction is expanded by the new noise estimation method.

15、The Mark I could handle 23-decimal-place numbers and perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

16、In this article, the effect of different LUT algorithms on digital subtraction angiography images is introduced.

17、Life is but a span, we should leam to do subtraction.

18、So the adding and the subtraction of vectors is way more complicated than just scalars.

19、Not long ago, researches learned that four-day olds could understand addition and subtraction.

20、Results: Lacrimal drainage system imaging by the digital subtraction dacryocystography provided reliable and accurate demonstration of lacrimal duct obstruction.

21、Multiple small-regions of human targets are extracted through background subtraction, and their matching reliabilities are evaluated by fuzzy inference.

22、The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for using up the forests.

23、In math, little green star and his friends demonstrate geometry, addition and subtraction, sets of 10s, music and more.

24、Objective To explore the value of the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in etiological diagnosis of the subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).

25、We used the regression model of data mining to discover temperature related information hidden in the HIFU focal area subtraction ultrasound images.

26、Then, line clipping algorithms and polygon clipping algorithms against polygon windows as well as algorithms for" intersection"," subtraction" and" addition" between regions are described.

27、The CORDIC algorithm only has addition, subtraction and shift operations, with less computation amount, fast speed, resources saving and easy realization.

28、In this paper, we propose a new approach based on spectral entropy and spectral subtraction for noisy speech endpoint detection, and discriminative rules with robustness.

29、Look-up table algorithms have been widely used in digital signal processing, but the articles on LUT algorithms applied to digital subtraction angiography system were rarely reported.

30、In accordance with the above case, real-time background compensation against IR image for eliminating influence of thermal blooming can be carried out by using digital image processing methods such as frame subtraction and reversed color addition.