1、an unmarked police car

2、A police car roared past.

3、Several police hurried out in their police car.

4、The police car sped past us.

5、A police car was set ablaze.

6、A police car pulled them over.

7、I have a toy police car.

8、The police car was shot several times.

9、The police car was gaining ground on the robbers.

10、A police car is running on the road.

11、Please call an ambulance and police car immediately.

12、The light on top of the police car was flashing.

13、The driver saw the police car in his mirror.

14、The thugs smashed the police box, burned the police car and robbed the buildings.

15、When my car broke down, I waved to a police car.

16、Police were summoned. Hyman was released while Neill was handcuffed and taken away in a police car.

17、AmE: A police car arrived within minutes and soon after, an ambulance came. BrE: A police car arrived within minutes and soon afterwards, an ambulance came.

18、He had seen them come out and get into the unmarked police car.

19、A police car drew abreast of us and signalled us to stop.

20、The motorist see In his driving mirror that a police car be following him

21、I could hook up another ambulance, a taxicab, a police car and a fire truck.

22、The siren warned us that a police car was chasing us.

23、Someone at the gas station called police, but by the time a police car arrived at the scene the swimmers were gone.

24、We called 999 twice but in over three hours we did not see a single police car or van or even hear police sirens.

25、This can stab the honeycomb, the police saw that Amao did not stop, rushed to start the police car in the rear to catch up.

26、Seeing the police car chasing him was burning the highway, he jumped out of his car and rolled down the slope.

27、The police car idled in the driveway for a minute, perhaps taking down the license number of Isabel’s car, and then pulled away.

28、It has been reported that in Hong Kong, a police car which was loaded with crash attracted many people to grab the money when the crash slipped down from the police car.

29、We were off duty, but driving an unmarked take home police car with hidden lights and sirens.