1、allowance for price declines

2、His net worth declines.

3、These declines are unprecedented.

4、Foreign direct investment declines.

5、Hearing sensitivity declines with age.

6、But he declines to elaborate.

7、There has been tremendous declines in fertility.

8、Hearing normally declines as people age.

9、As one grows older one's memory declines.

10、The road declines to the water's edge.

11、In five different years, villages overwhelmingly reported significant population declines.

12、European Stocks, U.S. Index Futures Fall; Ericsson declines.

13、This is voluntary, and our client declines to answer.

14、As people age, their ability to build muscle mass declines.

15、However, the pace of declines slowed from the previous month.

16、Declines in the automobile, semiconductor and industrial equipment industries especially hurt Hitachi, as well as write-downs of securities due to the sharp declines in global stock exchanges.

17、Safety nets needed as social spending declines, poverty rate rises in rural areas.

18、Any price declines are unlikely to wipe out their gains of recent years.

19、He declines to see them, and intimates the formation of a new family of faith.

20、Past research has shown that cognitive function declines at different rates in Alzheimer's patients.

21、Further price declines seem likely given the toxic mix of blighted mortgage markets and swollen inventory.

22、France is facing potentially more than one billion dollars and lost revenue this year, due to huge declines in tourism.

23、Toyota may have to put aside more reserves if the value of autos coming off leases declines.

24、We saw record price declines on a monthly basis for fourteen of our twenty cities that we reported.

25、One reason performance declines on sultry, humid days is that working muscles have to compete with the skin for blood.

26、Natural gas and coal—also fossil fuels—have similarly seen price declines that look to be long-lived.

27、The IMF suggests that a sufficient (although not necessary) condition for a global recession is any year in which world GDP per head declines.

28、The result shows that the motion threshold voltage declines due to the PTFE spacer, and is affected obviously by the spacer shapes.

29、The ice temperature feedbacks have likely strengthened in the last decade or so due to the dramatic declines in sea ice.

30、The article main content is the historical high point four signs of 19th century Europe violin music artistic level achieves : the classicism trend declines, the romanticism vigorously emerges;