1、instead of redesigning the entire system.

2、Fostering innovative consciousness and redesigning learning environment in English teaching;

3、Refacing is typically done without redesigning the application.

4、Or redesigning a company's entire store system and approach to customers.

5、German politicians seem to have decided that the time has come to start redesigning European institutions.

6、Here are some ideas I've had for redesigning notification in Firefox.

7、Increasingly, developers are redesigning content for different devices, such as PDAs and mobile phones.

8、Far more complicated is precombustion carbon capture, which involves completely redesigning plants.

9、This way, you can change code in Web services rather than redesigning and compiling a large, complex, long-running application.

10、As it happens, my work is directly concerned with water: I am a consultant engaged in redesigning Beijing's rivers.

11、Engineers have spent 18 months redesigning the external tank and incorporating the changes recommended by the Columbia Accident Investigation Board.

12、It's also about the thankless hours of grading, designing or redesigning courses, and preparing materials to still further enhance instruction.

13、If you are involved in redesigning any Web applications for Web 2.0, here are answers to some of the questions you might soon be asking.

14、We ended up redesigning the floor layout a few times so every guest felt right and the service flow worked better.

15、We're redesigning our website because we need more traffic and an updated look, and want to become more respected in our industry.

16、Of course, if you are redesigning a Web site, there will probably be enough real data to migrate from the old site to seed the Drupal database.

17、When we were redesigning our content management system, we weren't able to kill one complex feature in particular: the bulk edit function.

18、As it happens, my work is directly concerned with water: I am a consultant engaged in redesigning Beijing's rivers. Currently I am at work on plans for the future of the Wenyu river.

19、This redesigning project has been carried out based on the conservation of interior, which I had designed before by using recycled aluminum material initially developed as an auto-part.

20、And if a campaign about redesigning the state is hardly the easy route to electoral success, it is perhaps all the more admirable that the Tories are sticking with it.

21、We are redesigning Retribution mastery to add a percentage of the damage of Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm as Holy damage (which also plays better with Inqusition).

22、If you are redesigning or refining an existing product, it is important to speak to both current and potential users, that is, people who do not currently use the product but who are good candidates for using it in the future because they have needs that can be met with the product and are in the target market for the product.

23、Far more useful than asking users for design advice is encouraging them to tell specific stories about their experiences with a product (whether an old version of the one you’re redesigning, or an analogous product or process): how they use it, what they think of it, who else they interact with when using it, where they go with

24、Problem and vision statements are useful both when you are redesigning an existing product and for new technology products or products being designed for unexplored market niches, when formulating user goals and frustrations into problem and vision statements helps to establish team consensus and attention on the priorities of d