1、Should he or she be labeled with a psychiatric illness like bipolar disorder?

2、And while having a psychiatric illness is tough enough, the stigma surrounding these diagnoses adds to the burden, experts said.

3、Still, the message out of the bottle was dear: Forget the couch; there is no psychiatric illness that cannot be chemically controlled.

4、Previous research has demonstrated that IQ as a marker of cognitive reserve is inversely related to risk for total psychiatric illness.

5、About 4% of the prison population have chronic psychiatric illnesses.

6、Many of them have been misdiagnosed in the past with psychiatric illnesses or learning difficulties.

7、What is really needed to demonstrate that psych dogs are valuable to people with psychiatric illnesses of course are scientific studies.

8、Supplements of omega-3 fatty acids have now been deployed against some of the most formidable psychiatric illnesses—psychotic disorders—and initial results are encouraging.