1、Look at her status update.

2、You might want to apologize to your friends with a Facebook status update, too.

3、A status update for this task has been requested by the manager or lead.

4、Your status as an attendee of this event changed. Do you want to send a status update to the organizer of this event?

5、Media spotplan administration, including check spotplan contract terms, inputting system, daily follow-up and monthly spotplan status and payment status update;

6、Schmidt pointed to the scaling back of non-profitable Google projects such as Google Video, Google Notebook, and status update service Jaiku.

7、They may be used to convey information such as policy changes, promotions or other personnel changes, a project status update, or increased offering of products and services.

8、One recent status update reads: "Shiva Lingham is very upset that Mummy and Daddy have only been eating vegetarian food! ... Where's the Beef!"

9、Stories include information about the new localization dashboard, a new SUMO search engine, getting ready for screencasts, a knowledgebase status update, and more.

10、A New York teenager narrowly avoided a 25-year jail term for armed robbery thanks to a Facebook status update he posted about pancakes, his lawyer said on Thursday.

11、For the end user, the Asurion address book is more than just a fun way to see a contact's social information - it also lets you return a phone call via email, IM, or even a status update.

12、Was it my annoying status updates?