1、This can allow the roll to squeeze and relieve undue pressure on the roll .

2、The first is to protect the debtor from undue pressure by certain creditors.

3、Whether or not there was any undue pressure on these institutions, they did the right thing in the end.

4、Rather than putting undue pressure on yourself to overachieve, focus on getting a firm handle on your primary responsibilities, building rapport with colleagues, and identifying potential mentors.

5、"While I am not against private tuition per se, over dependence on it, unfortunately, has exerted undue pressure and stress on our young."

6、On the opposite side of the argument, some prison reformers worried that rewarding guilty pleas further might put undue pressure on innocents to throw in the towel.

7、While I am not against private tuition per se, over dependence on it, unfortunately, has exerted undue pressure and stress on our young, who are always exhorted to deliver results and to live up to their parents'high expectations.

8、a person of authority who subjects others to undue pressures.