1、I forgot the key in Japan.

2、That's the key in this market.

3、I turned the key in the lock.

4、ssh-keygen -f /tmp/key -t dsa will give you a private key in a file called key and a public key in a file called key.pub.

5、The key file was generated with encrypted user key to store in the field of key in key storage table, and the key file was decrypted with the inputted user key.

6、The view state validation key or decryption key in config database is invalid.

7、There is already a primary key in this table's key collection.

8、You can retrieve the exception key in MyExceptionHandler.

9、Thus, automation is the key in streamlining the process.

10、Safety is the key in the railway transportation.

11、She put the key in and turned it.

12、Another key ingredient in the attention game is relevancy.

13、Now key in the password, please. Six digits. Then key it in again to get it confirmed.

14、In the PKI system, we have to store the public key and private key with certificate and private key information standard respectively.

15、There are 3 key in the front of transmitter, of which 1numeric key presents control of 1 routes light individually.

16、Each key in the pair can be used to encrypt messages that the other key can decrypt.

17、When labor is the key ingredient in production, as in a primitive society, economic democracy prevails.

18、I can't find the key in my bag. I must have left it in my office.

19、PMIDA is the key intermediate in synthesis of Glyphosate in IDA Process.

20、In addition to availability, high throughput and low latency are key in these applications.

21、Further progress was made in mergers and reorganization in key industries.

22、In the Microsoft sharding pattern a "sharding key" is used to map data to specific shards which is the primary key in one of the data entities.

23、If an SSH public key changes or the pair is regenerated, all of the remote hosts will need the new public key in their authorized_keys file.

24、It is a key institutional initiation that human capital is encouraged and restricted in venture capital.