1、File '%.*ls' is not a database file for database '%ls'.

2、This.zip file contains only one file, which is an executable install file for Zend Core.

3、Couldn't open temporary folder file for output.

4、She decided to file for divorce.

5、Which countries file for most international patents?

6、OmegaT +.ini - configuration file for launcher.

7、CUSTCRUD.log: log file for the CRUD application.

8、Most file format specifications define some basic rules for the representation of the file.

9、No matching file configuration was found on this file for the specified project configuration.

10、Indicates the character location within a line in a file for a file breakpoint.

11、To use a file for swap space, first create a suitable file.

12、Select a data file for bulk insert task and provide the format file name and location.

13、Check the filename.out file for any messages to troubleshoot problems.

14、Creating a policy.xml file for updating Rational Product updater.

15、Explanation of the WSDL file for the secure email service.

16、See Listing 5 in the download file for the configuration.

17、Listing 2 shows the HTML template file for this widget.

18、Refer to Creating a response file for the installation for information on using a response file during a silent installation.

19、Modify control: control the outgoing file is allowed to co - operate the file for the two edit. Unauthorized, the file can only be read can not be modified.

20、This is the same file format as an INI file, but I write my own accessories for it.

21、The header file for the data source class. You can edit this file's name or select an existing header file.

22、For example, the.spd file for Microsoft Office 2000 is very long.

23、Information technology--Specification for a data descriptive file for information interchange

24、See to the Readme. TXT file for your hotfix or security update for more information.

25、Additionally, if a client receives a write delegation for a file, then no other client may write or read to that file for the length of the delegation.

26、Other utilities, typically those that can process many files at a time, can retain the original file for safekeeping and generate a new file for the altered contents.

27、Obviously, that's not much of a base file for drawing stats.

28、The following is a sample Sitemap file for processing the XML document.

29、In other words, there is one such file for each service.

30、You can now upload the PAK file for the interim fix using the file upload dialog in the Emergency fix files section of the panel.