1、Tomorrow is the effective date of regulations.

2、{You have tried to use an effective date that is the same as an existing effective date.}Use a different effective date.

3、effective date of the business combination for accounting purposes

4、The effective date shall be the date when the Trademark Bureau makes the decision.

5、A notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is later.

6、The date when the later party obtains the approval shall be taken as the effective date of the contract.

7、Note 2 The proposed effective date shall not be earlier than the date of establishment of the IMC.

8、Such publication shall take place, whenever practicable, 21 days prior to the effective date of the requirement but in all events not later than such effective date.

9、If a delayed effective date but no time is specified, the document is effective at the close of business on that date.

10、A: The effective date of the regulation is September 16, 2005.

11、The effective date of the contract signed on Thursday morning goes back to March 20th.

12、The name is registered for the applicant's exclusive use upon the effective date of the application.

13、A delayed effective date for a document may not be later than the 90th day after the date it is filed.

14、Appraiser's name, the effective date of the evaluation, and signature and address (when the evaluation is outsourced).

15、A voting trust is valid for not more than 10 years after its effective date unless extended under subsection (c).

16、the subheading of law is inconsistent with the terms of effective date in the main body of law.

17、If the game is available for licensing prior to the current license's expiration date, the effective date of The9's exclusive license will be advanced to an earlier date.

18、The premium may be paid semiannually, quarterly or monthly, and the premium expiration date is the corresponding day of semiannual, quarterly or monthly effective date of the Contract, respectively.

19、Administrative punishments set by other regulatory documents shall all become invalid starting the effective date of the Law on Administrative Punishments.

20、Custodian agrees not to increase the amount of the Bundled Rate for a period of three years from the effective date of the Agreement.

21、The bidder, as successful bidder, has failed to establish acceptable Performance Bonds within (number) calendar days after the effective date of the contract.

22、Articles of correction are effective on the effective date of the document they correct except as to persons relying on the uncorrected document and adversely affected by the correction.

23、As to the merchandise controlled by no such regulations, the Buyers shall appoint an inspector( s) to inspect the merchandise in Hong Kong prior to delivery within fifteen(15) days from the effective date of this contract.

24、331. The representative of China confirmed that publication of all laws, regulations and other measures pertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, TRIPS or the control of forex would include the effective date of these measures.

25、Article 16 If the consignees have obtained Automatic Import license, but have not used it, they should hand it back to license issuing administrations within effective date and explain the reasons.

26、Offsetting positions that were established prior to the effective date do not have to be liquidated, but once either position is closed out after May 15, it may not be reestablished as a hedge.