1、Umm... where's the ball?

2、Dude, where's my rickshaw?

3、Quick, where's my red pen?

4、Ellie, where's your cereal bowl?

5、"NOW where's your Number Two?

6、Dinner's ready, but where's Benben?

7、Excuse me, where's the cosmetic counter?

8、Common though, where's the fun in that?

9、Nor perfect beauty where's a main defect:

10、I won't, but where's my toothbrush?

11、TALER: Hey, Elliott, where's your goblin?

12、Can't argue with that, but where's the name?oh my!

13、Obama says he's a Christian, but where's the evidence?

14、Lilac wine is sweet and heady, where's my love?

15、Well, where's my towel? That's what I want to know.

16、But wait a minute; where's the data section of this problem?

17、He's an art dealer and a friend of Mr. Tate's. But where's the proof?

18、Rita: Jake's an idiot. Now where's Jake? Is he in the office?

19、Look, we're just going out for a few drinks, where's the harm in that ?

20、Then I shout to my wife, 'Hey, honey, where's my dinner?

21、Your gown should have a high collar - and where's your chiffon handkerchief? You don't even look like a hostess.

22、I would hike between huts if they came with beds, flush toilets and food, but where's that going to happen?

23、This. Where are we starting? Is this the oldest or is this the oldest? So where's your uncle?

24、They traced him to Chicago, where's he's been living since 1967. After prison, Carter worked as a shipping clerk.

25、Some, as soon as the door closes behind them, are nervous laughers (where's the hidden camera?), as if they suspect they might be the objects of a joke.

26、Laptops are refreshed yearly, cell phones even more frequently, and with a life cycle that short, where's the incentive to build something to last?

27、"If you think about it," she says, "whose arms are you first in, whose smells do you first absorb, where's that body-to-body imprint?"

28、He had no family or relatives and is already bruied in the paupers' cemetery outside Xizhimen, so where's the old man going to get the truth?

29、The former hairdresser, from Sprotbrough, Doncaster, has no qualms about selling her six bedroomed semi, where's she's lived for the last 20 years, to pay for the marathon trip.

30、Yes, William Dewy, that was the man's name; and I can tell you to a foot where's he a-lying in Mellstock Churchyard at this very moment - just between the second yew-tree and the north aisle. '.