1、tensile structural plane

2、ultra-high tensile steel

3、high tensile steel derrick

4、tensile stress relaxation

5、breaking tensile test of rope

6、Geotextiles--Wide width tensile test

7、brittle materials tensile-strength tester

8、loy high-tensile structural steel

9、Metallic materials--Tube--Ring tensile test

10、the tensile strength ofwire,rope,etc

11、Thermal sprayed coatings--Determination of tensile strength

12、determination of initial longitudinal tensile properties

13、tensile testing methods for vulcanized rubber

14、Tensile strength corresponds to the maximum tensile stress that may be sustained by a specimen.

15、Plastics--Determination of tensile properties by use of small specimens

16、Has good abrasion resistance, elasticity, tensile strength and elongation.

17、Smoothing algorithms for tensile signals of yarns are described.

18、The tensile strength, bending strength, impact strength, tensile modulus of elasticity and bending modulus of elasticity were determined.

19、Certain materials can be manufactured with a high tensile strength.

20、Test method for tensile properties of carbon fiber strands

21、Tensile tests revealed that incorporation of CHO improved the stiffness and tensile strength of the terpolymers significantly.

22、To measure tensile strength and breaking elongation of and statistic results, With Chinese format menu, tensile curve can be displayed by high-resolution monitor, tensile and elongation data are displayed on the of top the screen.

23、The correlation between the compressive strength and axial tensile strength of RCC with placing joint and ultimate tensile strain of placing joint of RCC layers have been obtained.

24、Tensile strength decreased, while the tensile break extension percentage increased first and then decreased, flexural properties was not sensible to the changing humiture.

25、A improving level and weight model tensile system for band saw machine was devised on existing level and weight tensile, compared to existing mechanism in band saw vibration.

26、Tensile and microhardness tests show that the quality of joint is better and tensile strength of joint does not decrease greatly compared with that of parent material;

27、Stress concentration occurs in surrounding rocks, while the maximum tension stress is less than the tensile strength of rock mass, so tensile crack does not take place.

28、And the ultimate tensile strength and elongation of low frequency electromagnetic cast billets are greatly increased.

29、The SPPT improves the ultimate tensile strength by 3.5%, and elongation to failure by 25.7% .

30、On the contrary, the tensile strength of the system improve with the increase of epoxy content.