1、Tom biffed Fred on the snoot.

2、It's too late; let's snoot through now.

3、I saw him snoot into me street and disappeared.

4、We selected Jack to snoot off for the championship.

5、As the birds rise, the hunters snoot at them.

6、Request 1 specified a URI of snoot, but snoot is not part of the URI group. Now we need to verify the GSC configuration.

7、In a hurry he snoot out the lamp and hid under the table.

8、There is always the risk of civilians being caught in the crossfire when terrorists and soldiers snoot it out.

9、But designer Wayne Cherry (previously responsible the droop-snoot Vauxhalls of the 1970s) deserves most of the blame.

10、Based on this rule, requests with an URI of snoot such as request 1 should be routed to the web module DefaultWebApplication.war.

11、In old days, people in this village used to snoot it out with those in that village for land mark or irrigation.