1、What's the salary range in this career?

2、Plus, have your own salary range and limits already in mind.

3、The idea is to try to get as much information as you need about the position and salary range before you disclose your previous salary.

4、Feel them out, and if given a phone interview, ask for specifics with regard to salary range.

5、I would appreciate it if you could give me an idea of the salary range for this position first.

6、You may have a salary range in mind. I, too, have no fixed amount in mind. I am open to negotiation.

7、When an interviewer wants to talk money early on in your first meeting, Humbert advises turning the tables and asking about the salary range for the position you're seeking.

8、The key thing to remember is that you don't have to state a salary range up front that would jeopardize your earning potential -- and, most of the time, you don't have to accept their first offer.

9、There are three basic salary ranges.

10、Responsibilities Include Conducting salary surveys, establishing salary ranges and progression rates for each level, making job evaluation plans, questionnaires, application forms, etc.,