1、Here, the universe in the family straightforwardly.

2、He spoke and acted straightforwardly and seriously.

3、And that is the straightforwardly moral argument.

4、Uncle Li spoke and acted straightforwardly and seriously.

5、He hated her straightforwardly, making no effort to conceal it.

6、And this implies, quite straightforwardly, that your mind is somehow distinct from your brain.

7、The role of geography here is complex, driving history, but not straightforwardly.

8、But he did not have the guts to do his dirty business straightforwardly.

9、The salesman first used the gift to impress the hearts of the housewives, and then began to sell them straightforwardly.

10、Gary locke said straightforwardly:"I don't know whether the Chinese indentity brings any advantage to this Chinese trip."

11、Or, to put it more straightforwardly, next week the person that's me is the person with my soul.

12、Many use one set of RUP processes for development (often deploying RUP process assets straightforwardly right out of the box).

13、These American kids who expressed themselves naturally and were ready to manifest their personalities conveyed the full dynamic youth power straightforwardly.

14、When the us does it, it's for preserving confidence in private business that continues to go on, while this is straightforwardly creating business.

15、Making friends with you is always a lucky thing in my life! Meantime I feel grateful that you can tell me how you feel so frankly and straightforwardly.

16、Anything you can represent in XML can be straightforwardly represented as SXML — Scheme lists nesting the same data as the original XML.

17、Perhaps not as straightforwardly romantic as other cities it represents the romance of winter evenings at the ballet, returning home by sleigh wrapped in furs together.

18、The main thing I'm pointing out here is that Paul is being very careful to nuance a straightforwardly negative depiction of Jewish law and say that, well it's still good in a sense.

19、Items and labels that translate straightforwardly in a vacuum may become confusing when grouped with other independently translated items. Semantics of the interface need to be preserved at the higher level as well as at the detail level.

20、 Yeah, if we fly there in seventeen years, we'll all be middle-aged.

21、In America, he is straightforwardly a voice on the right thanks to assets such as Fox News: it is hard to imagine Republicans and Democrats agreeing on much about him.

22、I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.I love you straightforwardly without complexities abide.I love you because I know no other way than this.So close that your hand, on my chest, is my hand.So close, that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep.