1、Your children should be literate and numerate.

2、Surprisingly, the least numerate were not making loan choices that differed much from their peers.

3、Moreover, move the Head to the appointed location by the numerate earmark, it can achieve the purpose of Head Revising.

4、This may help explain why children in numerate cultures with developmental dyscalculia find it so difficult to learn arithmetic.

5、As the financial sector grew, so did the demand for talented, numerate graduates to create new and ever more sophisticated products.

6、When this seals a letter to numerate from inside the mouth of another child, the parents on the seat choke with sobs one piece.

7、Globally, societies that invest in children and families in the early years - whether rich or poor - have the most literate and numerate populations.

8、"Hard skills in programming and software development for us are really valuable," says Hawes. Curtis adds that being highly numerate and having good analytical skills is increasingly important.

9、Where children respect a parent and know that he or she demands good behavior in school even mediocre or loutish teachers can pull off the trickof producing modestly literate and numerate children.

10、In Europe, the industrial revolution at first needed large quantities of unskilled manual Labour; but as it developed, there was a growing need for the workforce to be literate and numerate.