1、I'll have a sirloin steak, medium rare.

2、I'd like my steak medium rare.

3、I'll have is medium rare, please.

4、then please bring me the steak medium rare .Thank you.

5、And a cheeseburger, medium rare, with onion and French fries.

6、Ask for the salmon medium rare to prevent overcooking.

7、WAITER: How would you like your filet mignon, sir? Rare, medium rare, or well-done?

8、I will have a cheeseburger, medium rare, with raw onion, and french fries, please.

9、Heat up some oil in the wok, saut? The beef until medium rare, dish up and leave aside.

10、So that's one steak and chips medium rare, one chicken sandwich with salad, a cola and a sparkling water?

11、A medium rare steak (rare) : steak internal everywhere for the inside of a blood red and keep a certain temperature, at the same time practice part in my life.

12、Sear lamb loin in a hot pan with a little olive oil until medium rare. Remove and slice into diagonal pieces. Keep warm.

13、I'd like to have a well done stake, a medium well stake, and a medium rare stake, one salad with ranch/thousand island salad dressing, and five cups of ice water.

14、Heat wok with 2tbsp oil, fry the beef cubes till medium rare, add soy sauce, return garlic to the wok and toss well, remove the wok from heat, dish up and serve hot.