1、He was living under an assumed name.

2、One who engages in deception under an assumed name or identity.

3、The act or instance of engaging in deception under an assumed name or identity.

4、an assumed name; an assumed cheerfulness; a fictitious address; fictive sympathy; a pretended interest; a put-on childish voice; sham modesty.

5、He couldn't marry under an assumed name, but he had no intention of letting Nora know his surname.

6、He was living under an assumed name in Richmond, Va., where he was remarried, working as an accountant and serving as treasurer of his Lutheran church.

7、"No person is liable as drawer, indorser, or acceptor of a bill who has not signed it as such: Provided that--where a person signs a bill in a trade or assumed name, he is liable thereon as if he had signed it in his own name;"