1、Those who ride donkeys long for stallions.

2、Two stallions stomp and fight in a status display. Stallions are protective of their herds and fights often occur when mares are at stake.

3、be available for stud services, of male domestic animals such as stallions.

4、Two stallions fight at a wild horse conservation center in South Dakota.

5、These are two wild stallions from the herds in McCullough Peak, which is located just outside of Cody, Wyoming.

6、Having worked with countless national champions and top-notch breeding stallions, David knows Olympic legend material when he sees it.

7、Unlike most stallions, Magnum is a progenitor of consistent excellence in both his sons and his daughters.

8、One of our Andalusian stallions also needed to make the trip so I hopped on bareback with the understanding that we were just moving to a "nearby" farm.

9、Because you rejoice and are glad, you who pillage my inheritance, because you frolic like a heifer threshing grain and neigh like stallions.

10、We must judge all horses as individuals, and I put forward these guidelines only to enlighten those with no previous experience in handling stallions.

11、"It was England that developed the Thoroughbred, the horse bred for racing, not for work Modern Thoroughbreds are all descended from three stallions, of arabian, Turkish, or Syrian descent."

12、Italian stallions just make it into the top ten, in ninth position, with their swarthy good looks winning over women from around the world, while sleek Tel-Aviv takes tenth position.

13、Colts and fillies are now gaining in confidencn and in the wild would be trying to establish themselves as potential dominant stallions or mares to replace others in the herd.